Institute of

Cognitive Integrated Sensor Systems

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas König







Student Theses




List of publications before 2003



Skribanowitz, Jan; König, Andreas: "Dedicated Frontends For Embedded Vision Systems" 5th Biannual World Automation Congress, WAC 2002; 3rd Int'l Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing (IFMIP); Orlando/FL, U.S.A.; 2002/06/09-13; IFMIP038.

A. König. From Neural Chips to Neural Embedded Systems Employing Bio-Inspired and Mixed-Signal Processing. Invited In Proc. of the Int.  Invitational Workshop on Artificial Intelligent Interface Device, pages 33-35, Kitakyushu-city, Fukuoka, Japan,  March 13-16, 2002.

A. König, C. Mayr, T. Bormann, and C. Klug. Dedicated Implementation of Embedded Vision Systems Employing Low-Power Massively Parallel Feature Computation. In Proc. of the 3rd VIVA-Workshop on Low-Power Information Processing, pages 1-8, Chemnitz, Germany,  March, 18-19, 2002.

A. König, and A. Gratz. Effiziente Dimensionsreduktion und interaktive Visualisierung zur Analyse multivariater Datenbestände aus Herstellungsprozessen der Mikroelektronik. In Tagungsband der 10. Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf, DASS´02, pages 17-23, Dresden, Germany,  March 21-22, 2002.

M. Eberhardt, R. Hecht und A. König. Einsatz des Konzepts Machine-in-the-Loop-Learning zum individuellen, robusten Anlernen von Laborrobotersystemen. KI Zeitschrift, Ausgabe 02/02, S. 44-47, 2002.

J. Döge, G. Schönfelder, T. Streil, and A. König. An HDR CMOS Image Sensor with Spiking Pixels, Pixel-Level ADC, and Linear Characteristics. Brief paper IEEE Transactions on  Circuits and Systems TCAS II, pp. 155-158, February, 2002.


M. Eberhardt, F.K.H. Kossebau, and A. König. Automatic Feature Selection by Genetic Algorithms. In Proc. of the Int.  Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, ICANNGA´01, pages 256- 259, Prague, April 2001.

A.  König, M. Eberhardt, J. Döge, R. Wenzel, J. Skribanowitz. Perspektive des Entwurfs verlustleistungsarmer integrierter Signalverarbeitung für intelligente Mikrosensoren in lernender Architektur. Eingeladener Vortrag, In Tagungsband GMA-Kongress 2001 Automatisierungstechnik im Spannungsfeld neuer Technologien, 22./23. Mai, Kongresshaus Baden-Baden, S. 61- 68, 2001.

C. Mayr and A. König. Low-Power Massively Parallel Feature Computation for Application-Specific Integrated Vision Systems. 6th on-line world conference on soft computing WSC6, September, 2001.

A. König. Dimensionality Reduction and Interactive Visualization of Multivariate Data-Methods, Tools, Applications. Accompanying paper to on-line Tutorial with 100 slides (available from,  6th on-line world conference on soft computing WSC6, September, 2001.

A. König.Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Interactive Visualisation, Exploratory Data Analysis, and Classification. In Pattern Recognition in Soft Computing Paradigm,  World Scientific, FLSI Soft Computing Series, Vol. 2, Nikhil R. Pal (Ed.), ISBN 981-02-4491-6, pp. 1-37, Januar, 2001.

A. König, J. Skribanowitz, M. Eberhardt, J. Döge, and T. Knobloch. Application-Driven Design of Bio-Inspired Low-Power Vision Circuits \& Systems. In Brainware: Bio-Inspired Architecture and its Hardware Implementation, World Scientific, FLSI Soft Computing Series, Vol. 6, Tsutomu Miki(Ed.), pp. 89-121, March, 2001.

A. König, M. Eberhardt, J. Döge, J. Skribanowitz, A. Günther, R. Wenzel, and T. Grohmann. Quantitative Measures for Systematic Optimization, Validation, and Imperfection Compensation in the Holistic Modeling and Parsimonious Design of Application-Specific Vision and Cognition Systems.
In System Design Automation - Fundamentals, Principles, Methods, Examples, R. Merker and W.~Schwarz (Eds.), Kluwer, pp. 247-258, 2001.


König, A.: Interactive Visualisation and Analysis of Hierarchical Neural Projections for Data Mining. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks TNN, Special Issue on Neural Networks for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 615 - 624, Vol. 11, No.3, May, 2000.

Thoss, S., Skribanowitz, J., Schreiter, J., König, A.: A Bio-Inspired Low-Power CMOS Image Sensor with Local Adaptation based on Anisotropic Smoothing. In Proc. of 2nd International ICSC Symposium on NEURAL COMPUTATION NC'2000, Berlin, Germany, pp. - , May 23-26, 2000.

König, A., Eberhardt, M., Döge, J., Günther, A.: Low-Power CMOS Image Sensor Architectures for Change Detection and Novelty Filtering in Surveillance or Inspection Tasks. In Proc. of 2nd International ICSC Symposium on NEURAL COMPUTATION NC'2000, Berlin, Germany, pp. - , May 23-26, 2000.

König, A., Grohmann, T., Günther, A., Kröhnert, A., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R., Döge, J.: Erweiterung der Entwurfshierarchie zur schnellen und konsistenten VLSI-Modellierung von anwendungsspezifischen verlustarmen Bildverarbeitungs- und Erkennungssystemen. In Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltkreis- und Systementwurf DASS'2000, Dresden, May, 2000.

König, A., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: Anwendungsperspektive eines flexiblen selbstlernenden Systems zur automatischen Sichtprüfung in der Verpackungsindustrie. In Fachtagung VVD 2000 - Verarbeitungsmaschinen und Verpackungstechnik flexibel und zuverlässig, Tagungsband, S. 415-425, 30. und 31. März, 2000.

König, A., Eberhardt, M., Döge, J., Skribanowitz, J., Günther, A., Wenzel, R.: Quantitative Measures for Systematic Optimization and Validation in the Parsimonious Dersign of Application-Specific Vision and Cognition Systems. In Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on System Design Automation - SDA 2000, March 14-15, Rathen, Germany, pp. 122-129, 2000.

Skribanowitz, J., König, A.: Hochdynamische, adaptive CMOS-Bildsensoren mit integrierter Vorverarbeitung für applikationsspezifische Sehsysteme.. In Sensorik~2, Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik, Gerald Gerlach (Hg), w.e.b. Universitätsverlag Dresden, S. 101-119, 2000.


König, A., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: Advances in Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Interactive Visualization, Exploratory Data Analysis, Classification, and Rapid Pattern Recognition Design. Invited Talk - In Proc. of fourth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques ICAPRDT'99, Calcutta, India, December 27-29, 1999.

König, A., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: QuickCog Self-Learning Recognition System - Exploiting machine learning techniques for transparent and fast industrial recognition system design. In Image Processing Europe, PennWell, pp. 10-19, Sept./Oct. Issue, 1999.

Köhler, C., König, A., Temelkova-Kurktschiev, T., Hanefeld, M.: Application of Interactive Multivariate Data Visualisation to the Analysis of Patients Findings in Metabolic Research. In Proc. of the third International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems KES'99, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 397-402, 31st August - 1st September, 1999.

Skribanowitz, J., König, A.: First Application Results of a Dedicated Vision Chip for Image Sequence Processing and Visual Inspection. In Proc. of the third International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems KES'99, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 385-388, 31st August - 1st September, 1999.

König, A., Blutner, F.E., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: Advances of the Acoustic Navigator for the Interactive Analysis of Psychoacoustic Databases and Sound Engineering. In Proc. of the third International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems KES'99, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 403-406, 31st August - 1st September, 1999.

König, A., Herenz, A., Wolter, K.: Application of Neural Networks for Automated X-Ray Image Inspection in Electronics Manufacturing. In Proc. of the 5th International Work-Conference on Biological and Artificial Neural Networks IWANN'99, Springer LNCS, Alicante, Spain, pp. 588-595, June, 1999.

König, A., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: QuickCog - Ein selbstlernendes System für die industrielle Sichtprüfung . Exponatinformation zur Hannovermesse Industrie, Hannover, 19.-24. April, 1999.

Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R., König, A..: Efficient Application of Neural Networks in a Self-Learning System for Visual Inspection. In Proc. of the Fourth Int. Workshop on Neural Networks in Applications NN'99, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 53-60, March, 1999.

Bader, S., Pietsch , T., König, A..: Implementing Neural Networks on SYNAPSE3~PC in QuickCog. In Proc. of the Fourth Int. Workshop on Neural Networks in Applications NN'99, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 125-132, March, 1999.

Getzlaff, S., Schreiter, J., König, A..: Systematic Design of an Embedded Neural System for Automated Visual Consumption Acquisition. In Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy, and Bio-Inspired Systems MicroNeuro'99, University of Granada, Spain, pp. 307-314 , April 7-9, 1999.

Skribanowitz, J., Knobloch, T., Schreiter, J., König, A..: VLSI Implementation of an Application-Specific Vision Chip for Overtake Monitoring, Real Time Eye Tracking, and Visual Inspection. In Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy, and Bio-Inspired Systems MicroNeuro'99, University of Granada, Spain, pp. 45-52, April 7-9, 1999.


Skribanowitz, J., König, A.: Architekturstudie für die mikroelektronische Implementierung eines Überholwarnersystems zur Fahrerunterstützung im Automobil. In Tagungsband Fachtagung Informations- und Mikrosystemtechnik, Magdeburg , S. 249-256, 25.-27. März, 1998.

Schreiter, J., Getzlaff, S., Fendrich, J., Klahr, K., König, A.: Systemstudie für ein integriertes Sensor/Prozessorsystem zur automatischen visuellen Ablesung von Verbrauchszählern. In Tagungsband Fachtagung Informations- und Mikrosystemtechnik, Magdeburg , S. 109-116, 25.-27. März, 1998.

König, A., Blutner, F.E., Eberhard, M., Wenzel, R.: Akustik-Navigator zur interaktiven Analyse von Sounddatenbanken. In Tagungsband der DAGA'98, Zürich , 23.-27. März, 1998.

König, A., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: QuickCog - Ein Rapid-Prototyping-System für die industrielle Sichtprüfung . Exponatinformation zur CeBIT'98, Hannover, 18.-25. März, 1998.

König, A., Skribanowitz, J., Schreiter, J., Getzlaff, S., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: Ein System zur schnellen Modellierung von Bildverarbeitungs- und Erkennungssystemen. in Tagungsband der Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf DASS'98, FhG IIS-EAS, Dresden, 26. Mai, 1998

König, A., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: A Transparent and Flexible Development Environment for Rapid Design of Cognitive Systems . In Proceedings of the EUROMICRO'98 Conference, Workshop Computational Intelligence, Västeraas, Sweden, August 25-27, pp. 625-632, 1998

König, A., Knobloch, T., Skribanowitz, J.: Behavioural Definition of an Application Specific Vision-Chip for Overtake Monitoring and Related Tasks in Automotive Systems. In Proceedings of the EUFIT'98, Aachen, Germany, Sept. 7-10, 1998

König, A.: A Survey of Methods for Multivariate Data Projection, Visualisation and Interactive Analysis. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems IIZUKA'98, pp. 55-59, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan, October 16-20, 1998.

König, A., Blutner, F.E., Eberhardt, M., Wenzel, R.: An Acoustic Data Base Navigator for the Interactive Analysis of Psycho-Acoustic Sound Archives In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems IIZUKA'98, pp. 60-63, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan, October 16-20, 1998.

König, A., Knobloch, T., Skribanowitz, J.: VLSI-Architecture of an Application Specific Vision-Chip for Overtake-Monitoring and Real-Time Eye-Tracking. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems IIZUKA'98, pp. 72-75, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan, October 16-20, 1998.


König, A.: On Application Incentive and Constraints for Neural Network Hardware Development. In Proceedings of the third International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks IWANN'97, pp. 782-791, Lanzarote, Spain, 1997.

Klar, H., König, A., Ramacher, U. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural Networks, Evolutionary & Fuzzy Systems MicroNeuro'97, September 24-26, Dresden, Germany, Published by TU Dresden, ISBN 3-86005-190-3, 1997.

König, A.: Towards Actual Neural Coprocessors for Heterogenous Embedded Systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP'97, pp. 670-673, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1997.


Ortmann, S., König, A., and Glesner, M.: Fusion of Neural Networks and Fractal Image Compression for Image Sequences in Communication and Medical Imaging. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth IASTED International Conference: Modelling, Identification and Control, pp. 411 - 413, Innsbruck Austria, 1996.

Heinze, N., Korn, A., and König, A.: SIOB: System zum Lernen durch Vorzeigen bei der optischen Oberflächenprüfung. In Tagungsband des Internationalen Workshop: Neuronale Netze in Ingenieuranwendungen, S. 65 - 75, 15 - 16 Februar, Stuttgart, 1996.

König, A., Schäfer, C., and Glesner, M.: Die selbstorganisierende Karte in der Bildverarbeitung. In: Dem Denken abgeschaut - Neuronale Netze im praktischen Einsatz (H. Speckmann, Hrsg.), S. 33-44, Vieweg Verlag, 1996.

Korn, A., Heinze, N., Glesner, M., König, A. und Ortmann, S.: SIOB: Integration modularer und wissensbasierter Komponenten zur sichtgestützten Inspektion von Objekten in industrieller Umgebung. In Tagungsband zum Statusseminar des BMBF Künstliche Intelligenz, Neuroinformatik und Intelligente Systeme, S. 1-20, Herausgegeben durch den Projektträger Informationstechnik des BMBF bei der DLR e.V. M.v.d. Meer et al., Europäisches Patentam München, 17-19 April, 1996.

König, A.: Methoden zur Teilautomatisierung des Entwurfs von Mustererkennungssystemen. Eingeladener Vortrag zum Kolloquium des Dresdener Arbeitskreises für Bildverarbeitung und Mustererkennung DABM, Technischen Unversität Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, Dezember 1996.


König, A.: Konventionelle Verfahren der Mustererkennung und neuronale Netze für Aufgaben der sichtgestützten Inspektion. Eingeladener Vortrag zum Informatik-Kolloquium der Universität zu Köln, Januar 1995.

König, A.: VIP - Visualization Package for Multivariate Data Analysis and Classification. Public-Doman-Software, ftp-Address: in directory pub/visual, 1995.

Wang, H., Hennecke, D.K., König, A., Windirsch, P., and Glesner, M.: Method for Estimating Various Operating States in a Single Stage Axial Compressor. AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 11(2):385-387, 1995.

König, A.: Einsatz und VLSI-Implementierung neuronaler Netze für Aufgaben der Bildverarbeitung - Anwendungsbeispiele aus der sichtgestützten Inspektion und der Bildkodierung. Eingeladener Vortrag zum Kolloquium der Fakultät Elektrotechnik der Technischen Universität Dresden, April, 1995

König, A., Gasteier, M., and Glesner, M.: Mikroelektronische Implementierung und industrielle Anwendung eines applikationsspezifischen neuronalen Netzes in der automatisierten sichtgestützten industriellen Qualitätskontrolle. In Tagungsband der GME-Fachtagung, pp. 379-384, Baden-Baden, Germany, March, 1995.

König, A., and Glesner, M.: Informationsverarbeitung mit Hilfe komplexer gekoppelter assoziativer und neuronaler Netzwerke. Abschlussbericht zum Projekt BMBF-Verbundprojekt SIOB, FKZ IN 01 110 B/6, Teilprojekt B, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, 1995.

König, A., Windirsch, P., Gasteier, M., and Glesner, M.: Visual Inspection in Industrial Manufacturing. In IEEE Micro, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 26-31, June, 1995

König, A.: Neuronale Strukturen zur sichtgestützten Oberflächeninspektion von Objekten in industrieller Umgebung. Darmstädter Dissertation D 17 (7.2 MByte pdf-file), 1995.

König, A.: Survey and Current Status of Neural Network Hardware. Invited Paper, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN'95/NEURONIMES'95, pp. 391-410, Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France, October 1995.


König, A., Reimers, J., and Glesner, M.: KOHSIP - Eine mikroelektronische Implementierung von Kohonens Modell der selbstorganisierenden Karten. In Tagungsband der GME-Fachtagung, Berlin, Germany, March 1994.

König, A., Raschhofer, R.J., and Glesner, M.: A Novel Method for the Design of Radial-Basis-Function-Networks and its Implication for Knowledge Extraction. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN'94, Vol.III , pp. 1804 - 1809, Orlando, Florida, June 1994

König, A., Glesner, M.: VLSI-Implementation of Associative Memory Systems for Neural Information Processing. In VLSI for Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Jose G. Delgado-Frias, William R.~Moore (Eds.), Plenum Press New~York and London, ISBN 0-306-44722-3, 1994.

Genther, H., König, A., and Glesner, M.: Rule Weight Generation for a Fuzzy Classification System based on Fuzzy Clustering Methods. In {\em Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE'94, Vol. , pp. , Orlando, Florida, June 1994

Glesner, M., Halgamuge, S.K., Runkler, T.A., Genther, H., Hollstein, T., Herpel, H.J., König, A., Pöchmüller, W.: Intelligente Systeme mit Fuzzy-Logik. In Mikroelektronik + mikrosystemtechnik, VDE Verlag, Heft 2, S. 88-93, März/April 1994

König, A., Windirsch, P., and Glesner, M.: ARAMYS - A Bit-Serial SIMD-Processor for Fast Parallel Nearest Neighbor Search and Associative Processing. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials SSDM'94, Symposium Neurodevices and Neurochips, pp. 394-396, Yokohama, Japan, August 1994.

König, A., Reimers, J., and Glesner, M.: KOHSIP - A Dedicated VLSI-Processor for Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials SSDM'94, Symposium Neurodevices and Neurochips, pp. 349-351, Yokohama, Japan, August 1994.

König, A., Bulmahn, O., and Glesner, M.: Systematic Methods for Multivariate Data Visualisation and Numerical Assessment of Class Separability and Overlap in Automated Visual Industrial Quality Control. In Proceedings of the 5th British Machine Vision Conference BMVC'94 , pp. 195-204, York, United Kingdom, September, 1994.

König, A., Windirsch, P., and Glesner, M.: Massively Parallel VLSI-Implementation of a Dedicated Neural Network for Anomaly Detection in Automated Visual Quality Control. In Proceedings of the 4th Intern. Conf. on Microelectronics for Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, pp. 354-363, Torino, Italy, September, 1994.


König, A., Korn, A., and Glesner, M.: Ein Ansatz zur Implementierung eines massiv parallelen Klassifizierungssystems für Aufgaben der sichtgestützten industriellen Qualitätskontrolle. In Tagungsband der GME-Fachtagung, S. 379-384, Dresden, Germany, March 1993.

Wang, H., Hennecke, D.K., König, A., Windirsch, P., and Glesner, M.: An Approach to the Stall Monitoring in a Single Stage Axial Compressor. In 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA., 1993.

König, A., Genther, H., and Glesner, M.: Neural and Associative Modules in a Hybrid Dynamic System for Visual Industrial Quality Control. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN'93, Vol. III, pp. 1510-1515, San Francisco, California, March 1993, ISBN 0-7803-0999-5.

Gumm, M., König, A., and Windirsch, P.: ARAMYS-II Design Project. Poster at Circuit Exhibition, 4th EUROCHIP Workshop on VLSI Design Training, 1993, Poster-ID 67-3545-01.

König, A., A., Korn, A., Quint, F., and Glesner, M.: Two Neural Models for fast Category Learning - Neural Associative Memories and the Restricted Coulomb Energy Model. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN'93, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1993.

König, Geng, X., and Glesner, M.: Hardware Implementations of Kohonen's Feature Map by Scalar and SIMD-Array Processors. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN'93, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1993.

König, Genther, H., and Glesner, M.: A Generic Dynamic Inspection System for Visual Object Inspection and Industrial Quality Control. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN'93, Nagoya, Japan, Vol.II, pp. 1243-1246. IEEE, 1993, ISBN 0-7803-1421-2.


König, A., Wehn, N., and Glesner, M.: Partitioning on Boltzmann Machines. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS'92, San Diego, California, pp. 324-327. IEEE Press, 1992, ISBN 0-7803-0593-0.

König, A., Windirsch, P., Glesner, M., Wang, H., and Hennecke, D.K.: An Approach to the Application of Neural Networks for Real-time Operating Point Estimation in Turbojet Compressor Units. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN-'92, Beijing, China, Vol. III, pp. 64-69. Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 1992, ISBN 7-5053-1906-X.

König, A., Reinke, M., and Glesner, M.: A Fully Neural Approach to Image Segmentation and Image Coding. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN-'92, Beijing, China, Vol.I, pp. 631-635. Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 1992, ISBN 7-5053-1906-X.

Pöchmüller, W., König, A., and Glesner, M.: Iterative Data Reduction Algorithms and their Application to Binary Associative Networks. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN'92, Beijing, China, Vol. II, pp. 3-9. Publishing House of Electronics Industry, November 1992, ISBN 7-5053-1906-X.

Pöchmüller, W., König, A., and Glesner, M.: Associative Information Processing: Algorithms and System. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors ASAP-92, pp. 538-550, Los Alamitos, U.S.A., August 1992, ISBN 0-8186-2967-3. IEEE Com\-pu\-ter Society Press.

König, A., and Glesner, M.: VLSI-Implementation of Associative Memory Systems for Neural Information Processing. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on VLSI for Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Oxford, England, 1992.

König, A., Genther, H., and Glesner, M.: Einsatz neuronaler und assoziativer Komponenten zur sichtgestützten Inspektion von Objekten in einer industriellen Umgebung. In Tagungsband zum BMFT Statusseminar, Schloss Maurach, Deutschland, 1992.

Pöchmüller, W., König, A., Halgamuge, S.K., and Glesner, M.: Neurocomputers. In Report ANN91\-R10 of ESPRIT Project No.~2092 ``ANNIE'' of the European Community, Darmstadt, Germany, January 1992.


König, A., Glesner, M.: An Approach to the Application of Dedicated Neural Network Hardware for Real Time Image Compression. In O.Simula T.Kohonen, K.Mäkisara and J.Kangas, editors, Artificial Neural Networks, volume 2, pp. 1345-1348, Helsinki - Espoo, 1991. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland).

König, A., Pöchmüller, W., and Glesner, M.: A Flexible Neural Network Implemented as a Neural Coprocessor to a von Neumann Architecture. In U. Rückert, U. Ramacher and J. A. Nossek, (Eds.), Microelectronics for Neural Networks, pp. 455-461, Munich, 1991. Kyrill & Method Verlag.

König, A., Gloy, G., and Glesner, M.: A Self-Organizing Neural Network for Adaptive Image Compression. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Communications ISCOM-91, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 456-459, 1991.


König, A., Pöchmüller, W., and Glesner, M.: Einsatz neuronaler Netzwerke zur Informationsverarbeitung mit massiv paralleler Hardware -- Vektorquantisierung für die Bandbreitenreduktion. In Kleinheubacher Berichte, Editor Deutsche Bundespost TELEKOM Forschungsinstitut, S. 591-597, 1990, ISSN 0343-5725.