Internship Office

Mentoring and supporting the professional activities of interns is the job of the internship office which is established in the faculty. The members of the internship office decide on the recognition of internship proofs and provide a certificate to submit at the examination office after finishing the intership and submitting all necessary documents.

Internship Guidelines

Here you can download the applicable internship guidelines for your course of studies.

Please note: For the bachelor courses the internship guidelines are part of the examination regulations and can be found in the respective appendix.

Proof and Recognition

For the recognition of the internship the following documents are required:

  • The internship certificate which contains an assessment as well as the duration of the internship including days of absence (holiday, illness)
  • Internship report with scope of 1-2 DIN A4 pages per week

Please, pay attention to completeness of the documents, because otherwise the processing is not possible. If you do your internship in several phases and at different companies, the documents are to submit after the necessary duration of the internship is reached at least 13 weeks.

Submission of the documents:

    • via e-mail to eit-praktikantenamt(at)

Please note that the processing and recognition will take some time. Usually, the processing by the internship office takes about two weeks.


Phone: +49 631 205 2702

E-mail: eit-praktikantenamt(at)

Dr.-Ing. Michael Karrenbauer

Raum 11-520

Personal consultation with prior notice!